Laser Sense
Turning laser range finders into touch screens, 3D scanners, invisible gates, etc.

What's going on here?
Laser Sense is what I'm calling the invention that I brought to Universal Creative's Advanced Technology Interactives's (like the imagineers with a longer name) team of patent lawyers while I interned with them as a sophomore.
As a lover of creative technology, I have always wanted a cheap way to produce an infinitely extendable touch screen. I want to turn walls into touch screen, create invisible gates, multitouch sensors, and depth interfaces. That's really hard to do with almost no money, unless you use a trick of the light!
By taking an infrared laser range finder (now commonly known as LiDAR with the rise of self-driving, $25 on amazon) and bouncing the beam between mirrors with a fixed gap, one can calculate an X,Y coordinate pair.
There are a lot of implications of that fact, and they get more exciting the more creative you are with it.
The patent was proposed by me, and championed alongside my manager at the time, Howard Mall, and accepted by the patent office. Here's hoping we see approval soon!
It has been a lifelong dream of mine to patent a novel concept, ever since my late grandpa, Thomas Tang, inspired me toward a life of thought and creation with tales surrounding the invention of his collapsible bicycle (1974) and fireproof textile (1988).